Spiritual Spying – How Demons Recruit: Part IV – the Developmental Phase

June 25, 2023 (Edward J. Barr) – The development phase of demonic recruitment begins when the demons assess that someone has sufficient vulnerabilities that can be used to bring them to the dark side.  Recent articles in the series have explained the similarities of how Human intelligence (HUMINT) officers and demons conduct recruitment operations. In the assessment phase a decision is made whether to focus on developing the target for recruitment.  If there were sufficient weaknesses and vulnerabilities identified and the target can provide what the intelligence officer (case officer) needs in an operation, the developmental phase will begin.

We determined in earlier parts of the series that while all members of God’s children are legitimate targets of the demons, there are some who are more likely to be pursued because they are of greater value.  The demons know who they want to bring to the eternal damnation – all of us – but they also have a process where they assess everyone to determine the chances of their success. In the assessment phase both the case officer and demon identify vulnerabilities that can be used to control, manipulate, or trick their target.  For the case officer the goal is to groom the person so they would be willing to betray their country.  The demons seek to encourage their target to betray God. Once there are some understandable vulnerabilities that can be exploited, the demons move into action.  During this development phase the demons ramp up temptations, which usually are the ordinary means of corrupting the soul.  They will become more frequent and varied.  Habitually sinful behavior will look more attractive, and the soul will receive demonic guidance to entertain new sins.   

In the material world the case officer must carefully craft a way to meet the developmental.  Often there was some previous contact with the target, but not always.  If not, the case officer can orchestrate a ‘chance encounter’ with the developmental or use other individuals that are witting or unwitting to assist in procuring an introduction. A simple case study can explain the process.  If I were a member of the Chinese intelligence service and I am trying to engage in the recruitment of a political figure in the United States I would do some analysis in the assessment phase to determine the specific target I wanted to pursue.  I would want someone who was an up and comer in their political party.  I would want them to be from a ‘safe district,’ one that votes overwhelmingly for their party so that individual will remain in office for a long time, thus gaining additional influence in our political system. However, being a Chinese intelligence officer, I wouldn’t be the one that would make direct contact, at least not initially. I would have to determine a way for either myself or an access agent to provide an introduction.  If I learn that the political target is keen on environmental issues, I could establish a front company, or work with an existing company that could facilitate contact.  I could use a front or legitimate business or political group to fund either the campaign or some program near to the heart of the politician.  Eventually, I would continue to craft a means to get close to the politician or key members of his staff. The demons can do the same thing.  

Demons usually do not need to use a witting access agent; that is, someone who knows what they’re trying to do.  A witting access agent would be members of a satanic cult who are directly working with the demons to destroy souls.  They would be pleased to participate in whatever plan the demons hatch up.  If the demons assessed a soul has a weak moral compass, they will take advantage of any opportunity in the natural world to inject spiritual attacks.  It could be something as innocuous as being on a business trip and a demon influences a colleague to take the group out to a strip club.  That individual may not know that the ultimate target is the target’s soul. They may go to strip club clubs all the time but for some reason they were inclined to invite your group.  You had no intention to go but soon the temptations start.   Maybe I should go to be part of the team?  If I don’t go, I won’t be seen as a team player.  Other temptations may be as simple as engaging in gossip or glancing at lascivious sites on the Internet. The point is there are many ways that we are tempted.

The demons know which temptations will be attractive to us since they know our individual weaknesses.  They may start off slow.  Since prayer is a great defense in spiritual warfare this practice is frequently targeted by the demons.  We decide to watch a movie instead of doing our nightly prayers, or the news overcomes our daily prayers.  It can happen so naturally, even though it was influenced preternaturally.  In polls asking former Catholics why they left the Church many say there was nothing specific, that they just stopped going to Mass and practicing the sacraments.  They just kind of faded away into the culture.  It isn’t hard to envision.  Our narcissistic culture affords us so many ways to entertain ourselves that it is a secular virtue to pleasure ourselves. 

In his famous schematic about the way to unity with God, St. John of the Cross draws a narrow path between two wider paths.  There are two wide roads on either side of the pathway to heaven, each leading the soul astray.  One path is materially focused and the other spiritually focused.  These are equally wide because they can equally take you away from that narrow path to God.  It is not normally recognized that a spiritual focus can be as destructive as a material focus.  Yet how many modernists call themselves spiritual but not religious?  The devil is spiritual but not religious.  Demons are pure spirit.  They are completely spiritual!

The demons appreciate those who leave the Church.  The modern virtue of “freedom” has been applied in society to mean that the individual is the ultimate arbiter of every decision in life.  This attitude is akin to the first revolt. Lucifer said, “I will not serve.”  He thus became the first and penultimate narcissist.  The demonic sins of pride and envy can destroy us, yet our culture champions them as virtues.  

The demons will use whatever sin they believe can do the most damage to the soul.  The developmental process can continue for a long while, in many ways it never ends since the demons will always be lurking, waiting for us to stumble.   Thus, like the assessment phase, it is continuous. Because moving to the dark side often happens subtly and smoothly, many who have a reversion to the faith are shocked when they look back on their life.  They may remember how they loved going to mass as a child.  Then they just left the faith.  Many didn’t realize what happened – that they were being targeted by a super-intelligent demonic case officer.  They may remember a crisis (or crises) of conscience where they debated which path to take.  Think of the old cartoons where there is a little devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other, each encouraging the soul to do the wrong or right thing.  Many theologians believe there is some validity in this depiction.  They believe that each one of us may have a personal attacking (or guardian) demon just as we have a personal guardian angel.  

The development stage is an opportunity for the demons to pursue us using the three tools that began after the Fall.  Our relentless pursuit of power, pleasure and possessions can and will be used against us all the days of our lives.  We are in a time of cascading sin abounding in our society.  When sin cascades in our personal life the demons will be ready to pounce.  It will be time for demonic recruitment.  That is what we will discuss in part V.

Edward J Barr is an attorney, a career intelligence officer and commercial counterintelligence consultant.  He teaches in a master’s level intelligence studies program at a major US university. Ed earned a Master of Theology degree from the Augustine Institute and offers talks through The Gray Apostle website. Mr. Barr is a contributing writer for the Roma Locuta Est blog (www.RomaLocutaEst.com)


Father Chad Ripperger, “Deliverance Prayers for the Laity.”  Also available online thru the St. Michael Center app (see below).

Monsignor Stephen J. Rosetti, St. Michael Center for Spiritual Renewal.  Sign up for monthly deliverance prayer sessions – next one is June 19.

Opus Sanctorum Angelorum, Crusade for Priests

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